Rimfrost krill collection - Aquaculture

Krill hydrolysate
in aquaculture feed

A performance enhancer in your feed range, and a cost-effective alternative solution to reduce marine ingredients in aquaculture feed.

Less wounds
Better health
Thicker skin
Less scale loss
Feed intake

Increased feed intake and better growth

In trials krill hydrolysate significantly increased feed intake and growth, suggesting efficient release of appetite-triggering amino acids.

Trials with fish

In studies* on Krill hydrolysate added to Atlantic salmon feed, the results demonstrated a significant increase in appetite, feed intake, and growth of salmon smolts fed on diets with levels of 2.5 % or 5 % krill hydrolysate, compared to a standard control feed.

During the first 6 weeks after transfer to seawater, salmon smolt fed on krill hydrolysate coated feed, doubled their weight, from 92 to 185 g mean weight (specific growth rate 1.6), compared to the control group with a final weight of 124 g (specific growth rate of 0.7), a specific growth rate more than double of the control feed.

Accumulated daily feed intake (in gram)
*Study in collaboration with Nofima (The Norwegian food research institute).

Trials with shrimp

In our trials with shrimp, the use of krill hydrolysate allowed us to reduce the amount of fishmeal in the feeds by 80 %,with out any reduction in growth, and with the same feed conversion and survival as the control group. Shrimp fed with krill hydrolysate feeds also had better survival after osmotic challenges. These results will allow feed manufacturers to make cheaper shrimp feeds that produce the same results at lower cost and less dependance on fishmeal.

As confirmed from decades of research and Rimfrost’s own trials, the main beneficial effect of krill hydrolysates is the increased feed intake and corresponding increased growth rate.

Improves health

The studies* also show that Atlantic salmon fed the krill hydrolysate were also more robust, suffering less scale losses, less wounds, and no hemorrhages. Later trials confirmed these results, showing that the application of krill hydrolysate on the feed coating performed better than in the feed core.

Similar results were obtained in freshwater stage trials of smolts, indicating the benefit of the krill hydrolysate to enhance the feed intake and growth in all stages of culture.

Rimfrost's own trials have also consistently observed better animal health and survival in shrimps, suggesting benefits other than just the taste-enhancing effect. Amino acids and peptides are for instance essential in shrimp and fish, and their fast uptake improves the robustness to stress events such as seawater transfer or low temperatures.

*Study in collaboration with Nofima (The Norwegian food research institute).

Krill hydrolysate increases feed intake and helps reduce marine ingredients in aquafeeds.

Improving sustainability in the aquaculture industry

The total world production of fish meal and fish oil has been stagnant for many years, while aquaculture and livestock production has continuously increased, putting strong pressure on marine ingredients.

Rimfrost Krill hydrolysate can make aquaculture feeds less dependent on marine ingredients. Fish meals can be substituted with vegetable proteins, with the palatability given by Rimfrost krill hydrolysate. Rimfrost krill hydrolysate offers the opportunity to produce more aquafeeds of high quality with less marine ingredients.

Through improved feed utilization, less waste, increased growth rates, and higher survival rates, yearly production of aquafeeds can be increased, without a corresponding increase in marine ingredients inputs.

Krill hydrolysate properties

Rimfrost has developed a krill hydrolysate made from fresh krill caught in the pristine Antarctic waters.

A richer source of marine nutrients

The krill is gently processed on board the fishing vessel directly after the catch, using a patented enzymatic hydrolysis process. The resulting krill hydrolysate is naturally low in growth-reducing components such as fluoride and chitin while naturally rich in components that stimulate the feeding of fish by improved attractiveness and palatability resulting in higher feed intake and better growth and survival.

Packaging and shelf life

Supplied in IBC container 1200 kg (1000 liter) with temperature control. Two year shelf life with recommended storage and handling.

Chemical composition
Typical value
Dry matter, %
> 55
Crude protein, %
41 - 42
Crude fat, %
2 - 4
Krill hydrolysate liquid is reddish/brown color with the flavor of fresh shellfish.

A richer source of marine nutrients

A performance enhancer in your feed range, and a cost-effective alternative solution to reduce marine ingredients in aquaculture feed.

Reports for Aquaculture feed

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Rimfrost Krill Hydrolysate
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If you're interested in learning more about products and possibilities in the aquaculture market, please feel free to contact us for more information.

Julio Lopez Alvarado
Julio Lopez Alvarado
Vice President Sales - Aquaculture
Send e-mail(+44) 7397680752
Karl-Erik Slinning
Karl-Erik Slinning
Executive Vice President Sales, Production, Research & Development
Send e-mail(+47) 915 49 223
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