Rimfrost Holding AS and its subsidiaries (Rimfrost) are committed to conducting business with honesty and integrity. Enabling and handling of whistleblowing is a part of our ethical responsibility.
Whistleblowing means reporting wrongdoing in the business to someone who can do something about it. Whistleblowing is good for both the company and society because it means that wrongdoing can be remedied. People who are willing to whistleblow are an important resource for us.
Rimfrost will in no way penalize anyone who reports about possible dishonest or illegal conduct in our value chain. Notification can be given anonymously, but, normally, transparency will make the process easier and ensure a better outcome for all the parties involved. Even if the disclosure is found to be incorrect, the individual making the disclosure will not suffer any detriment provided they believed in what they were saying. However, any disclosure made by anyone in the organisation in bad faith or maliciously will not be tolerated.
We encourage reporting about workplace wrongdoing.
If you want feedback on your Whistleblowing report, please add your contact information. We will endeavour to provide you with feedback within 14 days of your initial disclosure. If blank, no feedback will be provided. Internal reports will be handled by our HR department according to our internal routines. External reports will be handled by an internal team, backed up by external expertise as needed. In any event, all whistleblowing notifications shall be dealt with confidentially, and the whistleblower's identity is confidential information. The processing and storage of personal information is in accordance with the GDPR and other applicable legislation.